
View from one point on my morning run, June 11, 2012

I've lived nearly my entire life in the 15601 zip code - and I truly love this town.  But it dawned on me recently that I don't really take advantage of everything Greensburg has to offer.  I've never been to the art museum.  I've been in the Palace Theater on only a few occasions (and not since the recent renovation).  And I almost never shop downtown, opting instead for the easy way out in retailers that are open after my two girls go to bed and/or have shopping carts for me to stow said girls in while I shop. 

And the list goes on.

I have occasionally wondered if it would be more interesting or exciting to live somewhere else.  But that thought always brings to mind a quote from American author and clergyman, Robert Fulghum: "The grass isn’t greener on the other side of the fence, it’s greener where you water it." Or to paraphrase Gretchen Rubin in The Happiness Project, I don't want to reject my life. I want to change my life without changing my life, but finding more interest, excitement and happiness in my own town*.

Hence the project to Experience Greensburg and this, associated blog - to start taking advantage of the cultural, entertainment, geographic and retail options that are specific to our town and touting those choices here in writing.  I want to fully live here, to appreciate the unique attributes and blessings of our town, to better understand the city where I'm raising my kids and to support our local economy.

Feel free to make suggestions about locations or events that I should check out!

*Quote from The Happiness Project: "...I didn't want to reject my life.  I wanted to change my life without changing my life, by finding more happiness in my own kitchen."

1 comment:

  1. Love the thought behind this! I'm thinking of some places you should go....
